A downloadable Model

The Colonization of Venus project is a study in the form of an interactive RPG game, the purpose of which is to increase interest in the topic of space exploration and explore possible approaches to adapting scientific topics in a game form. The hypothesis of the study is that gamefication of educational materials contributes to their better assimilation and increased interest in science. The project includes several stages: creating a game concept, developing mechanics, integrating scientific data on the colonization of Venus, testing the gameplay and releasing the finished version of the game on the itch.io platform. The main procedure of the study is to develop and test the player's interaction with educational elements in the gaming environment. The experimental methodology includes analyzing user behavior and their feedback after completing the game, as well as assessing their interest in the scientific topic. The novelty of the study lies in creating a unique interactive model of the colonization of Venus based on scientific data in the RPG format. The project was completed entirely independently, including design, development and testing. The expected results of the work are the creation of an exciting game that will increase users' awareness of space exploration and teach them the basics of colonizing planets. The practical application of the results is to use the project for educational purposes, as well as to draw attention to scientific research and engineering problems related to space projects.

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